We all know that human trafficking is the use of trading us human to other people and make us do force laborin order to gain money which they will benifit from us. In the video it is more like prostitution where she was forcefully brought to his house and sell her. That she even got crazy but the DSWD or authories still helped her and made her a professional.
This video only made us see hope and give hope to those who were victimed by human trafficking. It's not yet too late, let's be vigilant to what is happening around us then report immediately to the authority so we can save those victims and those who are going to be victimed. Let us help them.
Because a person who is hunger for money and power don't mind others or even those who experience poverty that result to this illegal doing dont mind others as well.
Let us end the rampant human trafficking especially here in the Philippines. Let us see light and not be blinded by the darkness.