Sunday, December 3, 2017

It's Parent's Day

Thank you and offering flower's  are the simplest way you can do to make them feel special on Parent's day.

But,the least thing I  did during Parents Day is talk to my mom through phone. I really  did that which is so rare to happen because we're  not that close, we dont talk too much. It seems like there's  a thick  and huge wall between us.

Though, what I did is just ask her random questions like: how are you mom?  You okay now mom? Are my siblings at school? Etc. All because I've  remember that she's  a little  bit sick.  Only if PAPA is here, maybe I'll  feel happy and contented. But,  his not.

I love  my mom but I  dont show it through my actions and I  dont say it too.  It's  more on keeping it to myself. I have realized that day when I  talked to my mom that I  was so selfish because  I know she want to be happy especially  to be with us. So at the end of the day I  made my move. I thank her for giving me life and for molding me to become who I  am today,  lastly  I  said the 4 magical words. I love  you Mama.

When I  fall down, you give me a hand, when I  cry, you rub my tears and comfort me to be strong. Thank you  being with me Mama and Papa (up there) always.


  1. I feel,what you're feeling right now
    B'Coz like you me and my mother is away from each other we are just also talking over the phone.

  2. I feel,what you're feeling right now
    B'Coz like you me and my mother is away from each other we are just also talking over the phone.

  3. Even if we can't tell them the exact words, our actions can still show them how we love them.

  4. At the end of the day, you're still their daughter, Rosie. They love you in ways you never know and will still do. You are loved here on Earth and from the heavens above. You are a gift and I know they're thankful as well to have you.😊


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